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- B. Udofia, T. Jogi, M. Stricker. Dislocation cartography: Representations and unsupervised classification of dislocation networks with unique fingerprints. APL Machine Learning, 3, 016103, (2025)
- K. Nourani Niaki, M. Uddagiri, D. Isidorio et al. Phase field simulation of Al-Fe-Mn-Si quaternary eutectic solidification. Metals, 15, 135, (2025)
- A. Riyahi khorasgani, I. Steinbach, B. Camin et al. A phase-field study to explore the nature of the morphological instability of Kirkendall voids in complex alloys. Scientific Reports, 14, 30489, (2024)
- A. Riyahi khorasgani, M. Younan, I. Steinbach et al. Phase-field modeling of kinetics of diffusive phase transformation in compositionally-graded Ni-based superalloys. Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 45, 1055–1067, (2024)
- D. Nerella, M. Ali, H. Salama et al. Automated workflow for phase‐field simulations: Unveiling the impact of heat‐treatment parameters on bainitic microstructure in steel. Advanced Engineering Materials, n/a, 2400905, (2024)
- M. Uddagiri, M. Tegeler, I. Steinbach. Interface stabilization and propagation in phase field models of solidification: resolving the issue of large driving forces. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 32, 065034, (2024)
- V. Mohles, Y. Jiang, I. Steinbach et al. Microstructure based model for creep of single crystal superalloys in the high temperature and low stress creep regime. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 909, 146780, (2024)
- Ali Mjalled, R. Namdar, L. Reineking et al. Flow field prediction in bed configurations: A parametric spatio-temporal convolutional autoencoder approach. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 1-24, (2024)
- Y. Shen, H. Dumlu, F. Varnik et al. Diffusion of small-size aliphatic alcohols and the chemical actuation of shape memory polyurethane. Smart Materials and Structures, 33, 075021, (2024)
- I. Steinbach, M. Uddagiri, H. Salama et al. Highly complex materials processes as understood by phase-field simulations: Additive manufacturing, bainitic transformation in steel and high-temperature creep of superalloys. MRS Bulletin, 49, 583–593, (2024)
- J. Kundin, A. Riyahi khorasgani, R. Schiedung et al. Modeling vacancy-induced porosity in compositionally-graded complex alloys. Acta Materialia, 271, 119905, (2024)
- Y. Cheng, G. Wang, Z. Qiu et al. Multi-physics simulation of non-equilibrium solidification in Ti-Nb alloy during selective laser melting. Acta Materialia, 272, 119923, (2024)
- H. Salama, M. Ali, O. Shchyglo et al. Phase-field simulation framework for modeling martensite and bainite formation in steel. Computational Materials Science, 241, 113033, (2024)
- O. Shchyglo, M. Ali, H. Salama. Efficient finite strain elasticity solver for phase-field simulations. npj Computational Materials, 10, 52, (2024)
- H. Jafarzadeh, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach. Multi-phase-field approach to fracture demonstrating the role of solid-solid interface energy on crack propagation. International Journal of Fracture, 245, 75-87, (2024)
- R. Namdar, M. Khodsiani, H. Safari et al. Numerical study of convective heat transfer in static arrangements of particles with arbitrary shapes: A monolithic hybrid lattice Boltzmann-finite difference-phase field solver. Particuology, 85, 186-197, (2024)
- M. Khodsiani, R. Namdar, F. Varnik et al. Spatially resolved investigation of flame particle interaction in a two dimensional model packed bed. Particuology, 85, 167-185, (2024)
- I. Steinbach. Concept of introverted space: is multidimensional, extroverted space an illusion?. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 79, 207-214, (2024)
- B. Bian, S. Taheriniya, G. Muralikrishna et al. Coupling of alloy chemistry, diffusion and structure by grain boundary engineering in Ni–Cr–Fe. Acta Materialia, 264, 119602, (2024)
- A. Riyahi khorasgani, J. Kundin, S. Divinski et al. Carbon effect on thermo-kinetics of Co-Cr-Fe-Mn-Ni high entropy alloys: A computational study validated by interdiffusion experiments. Acta Materialia, 261, 119358, (2023)
- M. Uddagiri, P. Antala, O. Shchyglo et al. Dendrite operating state in directional solidification of AlCu binary system: numerical benchmark test with the OpenPhase software. Physica Scripta, 98, 115014, (2023)
- L. Huo, R. Schiedung, H. Li et al. Multi-phase field modeling and simulation of magnetically driven grain boundary migration in SmCo polycrystals. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 56, 465003, (2023)
- M. Uddagiri, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach et al. Solidification of the Ni-based superalloy CMSX-4 simulated with full complexity in 3-dimensions. Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 8, 1, (2023)
- T. Neeraj, C. Velten, G. Janiga et al. Modeling gas flows in packed beds with the Lattice Boltzmann method: Validation against experiments. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 111, 463-491, (2023)
- M. Azadi Tinat, M. Uddagiri, I. Steinbach et al. Numerical simulations to predict the melt pool dynamics and heat transfer during single-track laser melting of Ni-based superalloy (CMSX-4). Metals, 13, 1091, (2023)
- J. Kundin, I. Steinbach, S. Chakraborty. Phase-field simulation of texture evolution in magmatic rocks. JGR Solid Earth, 128, 1-19, (2023)
- H. Parida, J. Kundin, C. Alves. Study of the peritectic phase transformation kinetics with elastic effect in the Fe–C system by quantitative phase-field modeling. Computational Materials Science, 224, 112160, (2023)
- M. Uddagiri, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach et al. Phase-field study of the history-effect of remelted microstructures on nucleation during additive manufacturing of Ni-based superalloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 54, 18, (2023)
- Y. Jiang, M. Ali, I. Roslyakova et al. 3D phase-field simulations to machine-learn 3D information from 2D micrographs. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 31, 035005, (2023)
- M. Ali, O. Shchyglo, M. Stricker et al. Coherency loss marking the onset of degradation in high temperature creep of superalloys: phase-field simulation coupled to strain gradient crystal plasticity. Computational Materials Science, 220, 112069, (2023)
- M. Younan. Effect of composition on high temperature creep of ERBO Ni-based superalloys. Master Thesis, Ruhr-Univerisität Bochum, (2023)
- V. Nanayakkara. Numerical simulation of laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing process of multicomponent Ni-based super alloys. Master Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (2023)
- M. Bruns. Simulating and characterizing cryogenic thermal cycling of a model glass former via molecular dynamics simulations. PhD Thesis, Ruhr Universität Bochum, (2023)
- D. Gaertner, J. Kundin, I. Steinbach et al. Tracer diffusion under a concentration gradient: a pathway for a consistent development of mobility databases in multicomponent alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 930, 167301, (2023)
- A. Riyahi khorasgani, J. Kundin, S. Divinski et al. Reassessment of mobility parameters for Cantor high entropy alloys through an automated procedure. CALPHAD Journal, 79, 102498, (2022)
- A. Lagogianni, F. Varnik. Temperature rise inside shear bands in a simple model glass. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23, 12159, (2022)
- A. Dash, A. Paul, S. Sen et al. Recent advances in understanding diffusion in multiprincipal element systems. Annual Review of Materials Research, 52, 383-409, (2022)
- M. Bruns, F. Varnik. Enhanced dynamics in deep thermal cycling of a model glass. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156, 234501, (2022)
- J.-H. Kang, J. Park, K. Song et al. Microstructure analyses and phase-field simulation of partially divorced eutectic solidification in hypoeutectic Mg-Al alloys. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 10, 1672-1679, (2022)
- C.-H. Xia, J. Kundin, I. Steinbach et al. Model for non-equilibrium vacancy diffusion applied to study the Kirkendall effect in high-entropy alloys. Acta Materialia, 232, 117966, (2022)
- A. Obaied. Developing state of the art materials informatics methods for Calphad modeling of multicomponent materials. PhD Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (2022)
- H. Wang, K. Uhlmann, V. Vedula et al. Fluid-structure interaction simulation of tissue degradation and its effects on intra-aneurysm hemodynamics. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 21, 671–683, (2022)
- H. Wang. Computational study of hemodynamic changes associated with morphology, deformability and degradation of blood vessels. PhD Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, (2022)
- U. Nwachukwu, A. Obaied, O. Horst et al. Microstructure property classification of Nickel-based Superalloys using Deep Learning. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 30, 025009, (2022)
- A. Grünebohm, M. Marathe, R. Khachaturyan et al. Interplay of domain structure and phase transitions: theory, experiment and functionality. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 34, 073002, (2022)
- M. Bruns, F. Varnik. Rejuvenation in deep thermal cycling of a generic model glass: a study of per-particle energy distribution. Materials, 15, 829, (2022)
- H. Schaar, I. Steinbach, M. Tegeler. Numerical study of epitaxial growth after partial remelting during selective electron beam melting in the context of Ni–Al. Metals, 11, 2012, (2021)
- H. Wang, D. Balzani, V. Vedula et al. On the potential self-amplification of aneurysms due to tissue degradation and blood flow revealed from FSI simulations. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, 785780, (2021)
- A. Obaied, F. Tang, I. Roslyakova et al. ‘‘2 1/2th’’ generation Calphad databases: Extrapolating heat capacities of elements and compounds to 0K. CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 75, 102352, (2021)
- H. Wang, T. Krüger, F. Varnik. Geometry and flow properties affect the phase shift between pressure and shear stress waves in blood vessels. Fluids, 6, 378, (2021)
- N. Volz, F. Xue, A. Bezold et al. Design of a Co–Al–W–Ta alloy series with varying γ′ volume fraction and their thermophysical properties. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 52, 3931–3944, (2021)
- D. Gunasegaram, I. Steinbach. Modelling of microstructure formation in metal additive manufacturing: recent progress, research gaps and perspectives. Metals, 11, 1425, (2021)
- K. Abrahams, S. Zomorodpoosh, A. Riyahi khorasgani et al. Automated assessment of a kinetic database for fcc Co-Cr-Fe-Mn-Ni high entropy alloys. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 29, 055007, (2021)
- M. Ahmed, O. Horst, A. Obaied et al. Automated image analysis for quantification of materials microstructure evolution. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 29, 055012, (2021)
- A. Schratt, I. Steinbach, V. Mohles. Grain boundary energy landscape from the shape analysis of synthetically stabilized embedded grains. Computational Materials Science, 193, 110384, (2021)
- P. Metsch, R. Schiedung, I. Steinbach et al. Benchmark for the coupled magneto-mechanical boundary value problem in magneto-active elastomers. Materials, 14, 2380, (2021)
- J. Kundin, I. Steinbach, K. Abrahams et al. Pair-exchange diffusion model for multicomponent alloys revisited. Materialia, 16, 101047, (2021)
- A. Gupta, B. Tas, D. Korbmacher et al. A combined experimental and first-principles based assessment of finite-temperature thermodynamic properties of intermetallic Al3Sc. Materials, 14, 1837, (2021)
- S. Hurain. Anisotropic grain growth in ceramics in presence of grain boundary segregations. Master Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (2021)
- J. Kundin, H. Farhandi, K. Ganesan et al. Phase-field modeling of grain growth in presence of grain boundary diffusion and segregation in ceramic matrix mini-composites. Computational Materials Science, 190, 110295, (2021)
- B. Medghalchi. Concentration-dependent finite temperature effects in metallic alloys. Master Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (2021)
- M. Bruns, M. Hassani, F. Varnik et al. Decelerated aging in metallic glasses by low temperature thermal cycling. Physical Review Research, 3, 013234, (2021)
- X. Zhang, B. Mao, L. Mushongera et al. Laser powder bed fusion of titanium aluminides: an investigation on site-specific microstructure evolution mechanism. Materials & Design, 201, 109501, (2021)
- S. Vakili. Multi-Phase-Field modelling of structure formation in metallic foams. PhD Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, (2021)
- H. Dumlu, A. Marquardt, E. Mahmoudinezhad Zirdehi et al. A mechanical analysis of chemically stimulated linear shape memory polymer actuation. Materials, 14, 481, (2021)
- S. Farzaneh Kalourazi. Python based automated data correlation on aluminum cast alloys. Master Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (2021)
- E. Mahmoudinezhad Zirdehi, H. Dumlu, G. Eggeler et al. On the size effect of additives in amorphous shape memory polymers. Materials, 14, 327, (2021)
- T. Kalfhaus, H. Schaar, F. Thaler et al. Path to single-crystalline repair and manufacture of Ni-based superalloy using directional annealing. Surface and Coatings Technology, 405, 126494, (2021)
- J. Kundin, R. S. M. Almeida, H. Salama et al. Phase-field simulation of abnormal anisotropic grain growth in polycrystalline ceramic fibers. Computational Materials Science, 185, 109926, (2020)
- S. Zomorodpoosh, B. Bocklund, A. Obaied et al. Statistical approach for automated weighting of datasets: application to heat capacity data. CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 71, 101994, (2020)
- S. Vakili, I. Steinbach, F. Varnik. Multi‑phase‑field simulation of microstructure evolution in metallic foams. Scientific Reports, 10, 19987, (2020)
- E. Mahmoudinezhad Zirdehi. Shape memory polymers and effects of chemo-mechanical coupling: a molecular dynamic study. PhD Thesis, Ruhr Universität Bochum, (2020)
- A. Schratt, V. Mohles. Efficient calculation of the ECO driving force for atomistic simulations of grain boundary motion. Computational Materials Science, 182, 109774, (2020)
- R. Schiedung, M. Tegeler, D. Medvedev et al. Simulation of capillary-driven kinetics with multi-phase-field and lattice Boltzmann method. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 28, 065008, (2020)
- A. Biswas. Ab initio simulations of (Ba, Sr)TiO3 solid solutions. Master Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (2020)
- S. Tumminello, M. Palumbo, J. Koßmann et al. DFT-CEF approach for the thermodynamic properties and volume of stable and metastable Al–Ni compounds. Metals, 10, 1142, (2020)
- M. Ali, I. Lopez-Galilea, W. Amin et al. Effect of γ′ precipitate size on hardness and creep properties of Ni-base single crystal superalloys: experiment and simulation. Materialia, 12, 100692, (2020)
- U. Rehman. The effect of Vanadium on the microstructure and mechanical properties of micro-alloyed steel. Master Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (2020)
- S. Zomorodpoosh, N. Volz, S. Neumeier et al. Application of change-point analysis to the selection of representative data in creep experiments. Journal of Physics Communications, 4, 075024, (2020)
- M. Ahmed. Machine learning based prediction and optimization of mechanical properties in industrial manufacturing of steel. Master Thesis, Ruhr-Univesität Bochum, (2020)
- M. Uddagiri, S. Hubig, J. Spee et al. Columnar-equiaxed transition in continuous casting based on a micromacro solidification model with long-range solutal mixing. IOP conference series: Materials science and engineering, 861, 012014, (2020)
- E. van der Giessen, P. A. Schultz, N. Bertin et al. Roadmap on multiscale materials modeling. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 28, 043001, (2020)
- Y. Tang, Y. Li, W. Zhao et al. Thermodynamic descriptions of quaternary Mg-Al-Zn-Bi system supported by experiments and their application in descriptions of solidification behavior in Bi-additional AZ casting alloys. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, (2020)
- A. Obaied, B. Bocklund, S. Zomorodpoosh et al. Thermodynamic re-assessment of pure chromium using modified segmented regression model. CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 69, 101762, (2020)
- M. Ali, W. Amin, O. Shchyglo et al. 45-degree rafting in Ni-based superalloys: a combined phase-field and strain gradient crystal plasticity study. International Journal of Plasticity, 128, 102659, (2020)
- M. Stratmann. Intergrated phase-field model with redistributation and long-range diffusion on sublattices. PhD Thesis, Ruhr-Univesität Bochum, (2020)
- C. L. M. Alves, J. Rezende, D. Senk et al. Phase-field simulation of peritectic steels solidification with transformation-induced elastic effect. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9, 3805-3816, (2020)
- H. Schaar. Simulation of solidification on the macro- and microscale in context of Ni-based superalloys. PhD Thesis, Ruhr-Univesität Bochum, (2020)
- E. Mahmoudinezhad Zirdehi, T. Voigtmann, F. Varnik. Multiple character of non-monotonic size-dependence for relaxation dynamics in polymer-particle and binary mixtures. Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter, 32, 275104, (2020)
- H. Salama, J. Kundin, O. Shchyglo et al. Role of inclination dependence of grain boundary energy on the microstructure evolution during grain growth. Acta Materialia, 188, 641-651, (2020)
- N. Paulson, S. Zomorodpoosh, I. Roslyakova et al. Comparison of statistically-based methods for automated weighting of experimental data in CALPHAD-type assessment. CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 68, 101728, (2020)
- S. Gao, M. Ali, A. Hartmaier. Influence of rafted microstructures on creep in Ni-base single crystal superalloys: a 3D discrete dislocation dynamics study. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 28, 025001, (2020)
- J. Kundin, I. Steinbach. Quantum-phase-field: from the Broglie–Bohm double-solution program to doublon networks. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 75, 155-170, (2020)
- M. Hassani, M. Bruns, F. Varnik. A crossover in spatio-temporal correlations of strain fluctuations in glass forming liquids. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (JSTAT), 2020, 014002, (2020)
- M. Slapakova, A. Zendegani, C. Liebscher et al. Atomic scale configuration of planar defects in the Nb-rich C14 Laves phase NbFe2. Acta Materialia, 183, 362-376, (2020)
- H. Wang, T. Krüger, F. Varnik. Effects of size and elasticity on the relation between flow velocity and wall shear stress in side-wall aneurysms: A lattice Boltzmann-based computer simulation study. PLOS ONE, 15, e0227770, (2020)
- M. Ali, J. V. Görler, I. Steinbach. Role of coherency loss on rafting behavior of Ni-based superalloys. Computational Materials Science, 171, 109279, (2020)
- A. Jana, S. Sridar, S. Fries et al. Thermodynamic modelling of the Ni–Zr system. Intermetallics, 116, 106640, (2020)
- J. Kundin, I. Steinbach. Comparative study of different anisotropy and potential formulations of phase-field models for dendritic solidification. Computational Materials Science, 170, 109197, (2019)
- R. Schiedung. Capillary driven effects in fluids and solids. PhD Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (2019)
- M. Hassani, A. Lagogianni, F. Varnik. Probing the degree of heterogeneity within a shear band of a model glass. Physical Review Letters, 123, 195502, (2019)
- W. Amin, M. Ali, N. Vajragupta et al. Studying grain boundary strengthening by dislocation-based strain gradient crystal plasticity coupled with a multi-phase-field model. Materials, 12, 2977, (2019)
- Y. Jiang, S. Zomorodpoosh, I. Roslyakova et al. Thermodynamic re-assessment of the binary Cr–Ta system down to 0 K. International Journal of Materials Research, 110, 797-807, (2019)
- C. Wang, M. Ali, S. Gao et al. Combined phase-field crystal plasticity simulation of P- and N-type rafting in Co-based superalloys. Acta Materialia, 175, 21-34, (2019)
- O. Shchyglo, G. Du, J. Engels et al. Phase-field simulation of martensite microstructure in low-carbon steel. Acta Materialia, 175, 415-425, (2019)
- M. Hassani. Shear banding in amorphous solids: from correlations of local plastic deformation to percolating shear bands, a molecular dynamics study. PhD Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (2019)
- B. Bocklund, R. Otis, A. Egorov et al. ESPEI for efficient thermodynamic database development, modification, and uncertainty quantification: application to Cu–Mg. MRS Communications: Artificial Intelligence Research Letter, 9, 618-627, (2019)
- M. Uddagiri. Modeling of solidification microstructure to predict CET (columnar to equiaxed transition) in continuously cast steels. Modeling of Solidification Microstructure to Predict CET (Columnar to Equiaxed Transition) in Continuously Cast Steels, 1, 55, (2019)
- K. Reuther, S. Hubig, I. Steinbach et al. Solute trapping in non-equilibrium solidification: a comparative model study. Materialia, 6, 100256, (2019)
- H. C. Wang, C. Somsen, Y. J. Li et al. Effect of Nb on improving the impact toughness of Mo-containing low-alloyed steels. Journal of Materials Science, 54, 7307–7321, (2019)
- S. Hubig, R. Schiedung, I. Steinbach. Thin interface limit for phase-field models of solidification with local mobility correction. arXiv:1905.02965 [physics], -, 13, (2019)
- J. Kundin, A. Ramazani, U. Prahl et al. Microstructure evolution of binary and multicomponent manganese steels during selective laser melting: phase-field modeling and experimental validation. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 50, 2022-2040, (2019)
- D. Sergeev, B. H. Reis, M. Ziegner et al. Comprehensive analysis of thermodynamic properties of calcium nitrate. J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 134, 187-194, (2019)
- D. Gaertner, K. Abrahams, J. Kottke et al. Concentration-dependent atomic mobilities in FCC CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloys. Acta Materialia, 166, 357-370, (2019)
- J. Park, R. Darvishi Kamachali, S.-D. Kim et al. First evidence for mechanism of inverse ripening from in-situ TEM and phase-field study of δ′ precipitation in an Al-Li alloy. Scientific Reports, 9, 3981, (2019)
- P. Hallensleben, F. Scholz, P. Thome et al. On crystal mosaicity in single crystal Ni-based superalloys. Crystals, 9, 149, (2019)
- P. Wang, J. Koßmann, U. R. Kattner et al. Thermodynamic assessment of the Co-Ta system. Calphad, 64, 205-212, (2019)
- X. W. Liu, G. Laplanche, A. Kostka et al. Columnar to equiaxed transition and grain refinement of cast CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy by microalloying with titanium and carbon. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 775, 1068-1076, (2019)
- J. Kundin, A. Ramazani, U. Prahl et al. Phase-field modeling of microstructure evolution of binary and multicomponent alloys during selective laser melting (SLM). TMS 2019 148th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings, -, 301-309, (2019)
- U. Solanki. Influence of the process parameters on melt flow behavior in low pressure sand casting applying numerical and experimental method. (2019)
- N. S. Moghaddam, S. Saedi, A. Amerinatanzi et al. Achieving superelasticity in additively manufactured NiTi in compression without post-process heat treatment. Scientific Reports, 9, 41, (2019)
- A. Müller, I. Roslyakova, M. Sprenger et al. MultOpt++: a fast regression-based model for the development of compositions with high robustness against scatter of element concentrations. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 27, 024001, (2019)
- E. Mahmoudinezhad Zirdehi, F. Varnik. Non-monotonic effect of additive particle size on the glass transition in polymers. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 150, 024903, (2019)
- C. L. M. Alves, J. Rezende, D. Senk et al. Peritectic phase transformation in the Fe–Mn and Fe–C system utilizing simulations with phase-field method. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 8, 233-242, (2019)
- R. Darvishi Kamachali, C. Schwarze, M. Lin et al. Numerical benchmark of phase-field simulations with elastic strains: Precipitation in the presence of chemo-mechanical coupling. Computational Materials Science, 155, 541-553, (2018)
- H. Salama. Orientation distribution of grain boundary in a multigrain structure with anisotropic interface energy. Master thesis, (2018)
- A. Obaied. Application of machine learning for thermo-physical properties of transition metals. Master thesis, (2018)
- N. Dupin, U. Kattner, B. Sundman et al. Implementation of an effective bond energy formalism in the multicomponent Calphad approach. Journal of Research of National Institute of Standards and Technology, 123, 123020, (2018)
- M. Hassani, E. Mahmoudinezhad Zirdehi, K. Krok et al. Long-range strain correlations in 3D quiescent glass forming liquids. Europhysics Letters, 124, 18003, (2018)
- J. Görler. Phase-field simulation of microstructure evolution coupled to plastic deformation: Application to Ni-base superalloys and low carbon steel. (2018)
- T. Li, D. Kent, G. Sha et al. Nucleation driving force for ω-assisted formation of α and associated ω morphology in β-Ti alloys. Scripta Materialia, 155, 149-154, (2018)
- M. Markl, A. Müller, N. Ritter et al. Development of single-crystal Ni-base superalloys based on multi-criteria numerical optimization and efficient use of refractory elements. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 49, 4134-4145, (2018)
- B. Ruttert, O. Horst, I. Lopez-Galilea et al. Rejuvenation of single-crystal Ni-base superalloy turbine blades: Unlimited service life?. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 49, 4262–4273, (2018)
- Y. Jiang, S. Zomorodpoosh, I. Roslyakova et al. Thermodynamic re-assessment of binary Cr-Nb system down to 0 K. CALPHAD, 62, 109-118, (2018)
- N. Volz, C. H. Zenk, R. Cherukuri et al. Thermophysical and mechanical properties of advanced single crystalline Co-base superalloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 49, 4099–4109, (2018)
- G. Diyoke. Effect of gravity on dendritic solidification kinetics of binary Al-Mg alloy. Master Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (2018)
- J. Kundin, R. Schiedung, H. Sohaib et al. Phase-field modeling of pores and precipitates in polycrystalline systems. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 26, 065003, (2018)
- H. Sohaib. The study of the effect of porosity on the grain growth in polycrystalline ceramic fibers. Master Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (2018)
- A. Gupta, V. Kulitcki, B. Kavakbasi et al. Precipitate-induced nonlinearities of diffusion along grain boundaries in Al-based alloys. Physical Review Materials, 2, 073801, (2018)
- C. Hüter, P. Shanthraj, E. McEniry et al. Multiscale modelling of hydrogen transport and segregation in polycrystalline steels. Metals, 8, 430, (2018)
- C. Schwarze, R. Darvishi Kamachali, C. Mießen et al. Computationally efficient phase-field simulation studies using RVE sampling and statistical analysis. Computational Materials Science, 147, 204-216, (2018)
- M. Ali. High temperature creep in Ni-based superalloys. Master Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (2018)
- M. Gross, F. Varnik. Shear-density coupling for a compressible single-component yield-stress fluid. Soft Matter, 14, 4577-4590, (2018)
- R. Cherukuri. Study of thermodynamic and mechanical properties relationship using first-principles CALPHAD amd experimental data for Ni 3%X, X=Re, W, Ru alloys. Master Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (2018)
- E. Ghobadi, A. Marquardt, E. Mahmoudinezhad Zirdehi et al. The influence of water and solvent uptake on functional properties of shape-memory polymers. International Journal of Polymer Science, 2018, 7819353, (2018)
- E. Ghobadi, A. Marquardt, E. Zirdehi et al. The influence of water and solvent uptake on functional properties of shape-memory polymers. International Journal of Polymer Science, 2018, 7819353, (2018)
- D. Korbmacher, J. von Pezold, S. Brinckmann et al. Modeling of phase equilibria in Ni-H: Bridging the atomistic with the continuum scale. Metals, 8, 280, (2018)
- S. Noori. Effect of Si on pearlite transformation in steel. Master Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (2018)
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- N. Masquelier, H. Zapolsky, W. Lefebvre et al. Precipitation kinetics study of Al – Zr – X(Sc or Ti) alloys by phase-field simulations and atom-probe tomography. Solide State Phenomena, 172-174, 869-874, (2011)
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- P. Uhlmann, F. Varnik, P. Truman et al. Microfluidic emulsion separation-simultaneous separation and sensing by multilayer nanofilm structures. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 23, 184123, (2011)
- W. Guo, I. Steinbach, C. Somsen et al. On the effect of superimposed external stresses on the nucleation and growth of Ni4Ti3 particles: A parametric phase field study. Acta Materialia, 59, 3287-3296, (2011)
- F. Varnik, M. Gross, N. Moradi et al. Stability and dynamics of droplets on patterned substrates: insights from experiments and lattice Boltzmann simulations. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 23, 184112, (2011)
- P. Müller-Buschbaum, D. Magerl, R. Hengstler et al. Structure and flow of droplets on solid surfaces. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 23, 184111, (2011)
- M. Palumbo, T. Abe, S. Fries et al. First-principles approach to phase stability for a ternary σ phase: Application to Cr-Ni-Re. Physical Review B, 83, 144109, (2011)
- L. Zhang, I. Steinbach, Y. Du. Phase-field simulation of diffusion couples in the Ni-Al system. International Journal of Materials Research, 102, 371-380, (2011)
- M. Gross, M. Cates, F. Varnik et al. Langevin theory of fluctuations in the discrete Boltzmann equation. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 03, 1742-5468, (2011)
- O. Dezellus, R. Arroyave, S. Fries. Thermodynamic modelling of the Ag-Cu-Ti ternary system. International Journal of Materials Research, 03, 286-294, (2011)
- W. Guo, R. Spatschek, I. Steinbach. An analytical study of the static state of multi-junctions in a multi-phase field model. Physica D, 240, 382-388, (2011)
- S. Ayodele, F. Varnik, D. Raabe. Lattice Boltzmann study of pattern formation in reaction-diffusion systems. Physical Review E, 83, 14, (2011)
- M. Pouya. Lattice-Boltzmann simulation of Gray-Scott model with inhomogeneous reaction rates: Towards applications in vegetation pattern formation. Master Thesis, Ruhr-University Bochum, (2011)
- M. Gross, N. Moradi, G. Zikos et al. Shear stress in nonideal fluid lattice Boltzmann simulations. Physical Review E, 83, 17701, (2011)
- I. Steinbach, M. Plapp. Pearlite revisited. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 1, 0935-1175, (2011)
- M. Palumbo, T. Abe, C. Kocer et al. Ab initio and thermodynamic study of the Cr-Re system. CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 34, 495-503, (2010)
- R. Darvishi Kamachali, J. Hua, I. Steinbach et al. Multiscale simulations on the grain growth process in nanostructured materials. International Journal of Materials Research, 11, 1332-1338, (2010)
- M. Gross, R. Adhikari, M. Cates et al. Thermal fluctuations in the lattice Boltzmann method for nonideal fluids. Physical Review E, 82, 056714, (2010)
- J. Crivello, M. Palumbo, T. Abe et al. Ab initio ternary σ -phase diagram: The Cr–Mo–Re system. CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 34, 487-494, (2010)
- M. Baricco, M. Palumbo, E. Pinatel et al. Thermodynamic database for hydrogen storage materials. Advances in Science and Technology, 72, 213-218, (2010)
- T. Krüger, F. Varnik, D. Raabe. Second-order convergence of the deviatoric stress tensor in the standard Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook lattice Boltzmann method. Physical Review E, 82, 025701, (2010)
- R. Spatschek, A. Karma. Amplitude equations for polycrystalline materials with interaction between composition and Stress. Physical Review B, 81, 214201, (2010)
- L. Zhang, Y. Du, I. Steinbach et al. Diffusivities of an Al-Fe-Ni melt and their effects on the microstructure during solidification. Acta Materialia, 58, 3664-3675, (2010)
- R. Spatschek, E. A. Brener, A. Karma. Phase field modeling of crack propagation. Philosophical Magazine, 91, 75-95, (2010)
- G. Cacciamani, A. Dinsdale, M. Palumbo et al. The Fe-Ni system: thermodynamic modelling assisted by atomistic calculations. Intermetallics, 18, 1148-1162, (2010)
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- M. Gross, F. Varnik, D. Raabe et al. Small droplets on superhydrophobic substrates. Physical Review E, 81, 051606, (2010)
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- M. Fleck, E. A. Brener, R. Spatschek et al. Elastic and plastic effects on solid-state transformations: a phase-field study. International Journal of Materials Research, 101, 462-466, (2010)
- W. Guo, I. Steinbach. Multi-phase field study of the equilibrium state of multi-junctions. International Journal of Materials Research, 101, 480-485, (2010)
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- N. Moradi, F. Varnik, I. Steinbach. Roughness-gradient-induced spontaneous motion of droplets on hydrophobic surfaces: A lattice Boltzmann study. Europhysics Letters, 89, 26006, (2010)
- L. Zhang, Y. Du, Q. Chen et al. Atomic mobilities and diffusivities in the fcc, L12 and B2 phases of the Ni-Al system. International Journal of Materials Research, 101, 1862-5282, (2010)
- M. Fleck, C. Hüter, D. Pilipenko et al. Pattern formation during diffusion limited transformations in solids. Philosophical Magazine, 90, 265-286, (2010)
- I. Steinbach, X. Song, A. Hartmaier. Phase-field model with plastic flow for grain-growth in nanocrystalline material. Philosophical Magazine, 90, 485-499, (2010)
- P. K. Galenko, S. Reutzel, D. M. Herlach et al. Dendritic solidification in undercooled Ni-Zr-Al melts: experiments and modeling. Acta Materialia, 57, 6166-6175, (2009)
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- S. Ayodele, F. Varnik, D. Raabe. Transverse diffusive mixing of solutes in pressure driven microchannels: a Lattice Boltzmann study of the scaling laws. La Houille Blanche, International Water Journal, 6, 93 - 100, (2009)
- M. Gross, F. Varnik, D. Raabe. Fall and rise of small droplets on rough hydrophobic substrates. Europhysics Letters, 88, 26002, 1-6, (2009)
- F. Varnik, K. Binder. Multiscale modelling of polymers at interfaces. International Journal of Materials Research, 100, 1494-1502, (2009)
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- R. Spatschek, C. Gugenberger, E. A. Brener. Effective elastic moduli in solids with high density of cracks. Physical Review B, 80, 144106, 1-8, (2009)
- I. Steinbach. Pattern formation in constrained dendritic growth with solutal buoyancy. Acta Materialia, 57, 2640-2645, (2009)
- I. Steinbach. Phase-field models in materials science; a tutorial review. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 17, 073001-31, (2009)
- S. Fries, B. Boettger, J. Eiken et al. Upgrading CALPHAD to microstructure simulation: the phase-field method. International Journal of Materials Research, 100, 128-134, (2009)
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- M. Apel, S. Benke, I. Steinbach. Virtual dilatometer curves and effective Young’s modulus of a 3D multiphase structure calculated by the phase-field method. Computational Materials Science, 45, 589-592 , (2009)
- S. S. Khan, N. Hort, J. Eiken et al. Numerical determination of heat distribution and castability simulations of as cast Mg-Al alloys. Advanced Engineering Materials, 11, 162-168, (2009)
- C. Colinet, J. C. Tedenac, S. Fries. Structural stability of intermetallic phases in the Sn Ti system. Calphad - Experimental and Computational investigation of intermetallic systems: A Special Issue Dedicated to Prof. Riccardo Ferro, 33, 250-259, (2009)
- M. Apel, B. Böttger, J. Rudnizki et al. Grain growth simulations including particle pinning using the multiphase-field concept. ISIJ International, 49, 1024-1029, (2009)
- D. Gosslar, R. Günther, C. Hartig et al. Grain refinement of γ-TiAl alloys by inoculation. Material Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1128, 1128-U03-02, (2009)
- M. Apel, I. Steinbach. Dendritic solidification in the diffuse regime and under the influence of buoyancy-driven melt convection. Phase Transformations in Multicomponent Melts, 373-385, (2008)
- J. Imlau, W. Bleck, S. Zaefferer et al. Development of a simulation approach to microstructure evolution during solidification and homogenization using the phase-field method. Superalloys, 951-960, (2008)
- I. Steinbach. Effect of interface anisotropy on spacing selection in constrained dendrite growth. Acta Materialia, 56, 4965-4971, (2008)
- Ch. A. Gandin, I. Steinbach. Direct modeling of structure formation. ASM Handbook, 15, 435-444, (2008)
- I. Steinbach. Microstructure evolution and phase transitions in metals simulated by the multi-phase-field method. La Revue de Métallurgie, 105, 637-640, (2008)
- B. Boettger, M. Apel, J. Eiken et al. Phase-field simulation of solidification and solid-state transformations in multicomponent steels. Steel Research International, 79, 608-616, (2008)