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Materials Informatics and Data Science

Room: 02-503
Tel.: +49 151 2611 4982
E-Mail: markus.stricker@rub.de
Applications of these methods focus on bridging between simulation methods like atom-continuum or mesoscale-continuum and connecting knowledge from simulations to experiments.

Current materials science research questions are related to plasticity of crystalline materials. In the past and present, this has included mechanical aspects of tribological contacts, strain hardening and dislocation multiplication, dislocation grain boundary interaction, development of interatomic potentials to assess energetics and dynamics of crystalline defects on the atomic level, and data fusion from simulation and experiment to understand and quantify observed material behavior from simulations and experiments. Research questions on the methodical side revolve around appropriate data formats, standardization and representation of information.
- Plasticity modeling with mesoscale simulations and scale bridging
- Validation of interatomic potentials based on machine-learning methods
- Simulation of atomistic processes
- Data fusion from simulations and experiments