Just another WordPress site - Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- B. Eidel. Coupling atomistic accuracy with continuum effectivity for predictive simulations in materials research - the Quasicontinuum method. International Journal of Materials Research, 100, 1503-1512, (2009)
- R. Janisch, C. Elsässer. Interstitial impurities at grain boundaries in metals: insight from atomistic calculations. International Journal of Materials Research, 100, 1488-1493, (2009)
- G. Ziegenhain, A. Hartmaier, H. M. Urbassek. Pair vs many-body potentials: influence on elastic and plastic behavior in nanoindentation of fcc metals. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids , 57, 1514–1526 , (2009)
- P. Armstrong, C. Knieke, M. Mackovic et al. Microstructural evolution during deformation of tin dioxide nanoparticles in a comminution process. Acta Materialia, 57, 3060–3071, (2009)
- A. Böhner, R. Janisch, A. Hartmaier. Ab initio investigation of diamond coatings on steel . Scripta Materialia, 60, 504-507, (2009)
- B. Eidel, A. Stukowski. A variational formulation of the quasicontinuum method based on energy sampling in clusters. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 57, 87-108, (2009)
- C. Kords. Leistungssteigerung beim trochoiden Fräsen durch Optimierung der mikroskopischen und makroskopischen Eingriffsbedingungen. Master Thesis, RWTH Aachen, (2009)