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- M. Gross, F. Varnik. Critical dynamics of an isothermal compressible nonideal fluid. Physical Review E, 86, 061119, (2012)
- V. Chikkadi, S. Mandal, B. Nienhuis et al. Shear-induced anisotropic decay of correlations in hard-sphere colloidal glasses . EPL Journal, 100, 56001, (2012)
- M. Gross, F. Varnik. Spreading dynamics of nanodrops: A lattice Boltzmann study. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 25, 7, (2012)
- M. Gross, F. Varnik. Simulation of static critical phenomena in nonideal fluids with the Lattice Boltzmann method. Physical Review E, 85, 056707, (2012)
- S. Mandal, M. Gross, D. Raabe et al. Heterogeneous shear in hard sphere glasses. Physical Review Letters, 108, 098301, (2012)