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- T. Krüger, M. Gross, D. Raabe et al. Crossover from tumbling to tank-treading-like motion in dense simulated suspensions of red blood cells. Soft Matter, 9, 9008-9015, (2013)
- S. Mandal, V. Chikkadi, B. Nienhuis et al. Single-particle fluctuations and directional correlations in driven hard-sphere glasses. Physical Review E, 88, 022129, (2013)
- D. Medvedev, F. Varnik, I. Steinbach. Simulating mobile dendrites in a flow. Procedia Computer Science, 18, 2512-2520, (2013)
- M. Gross, I. Steinbach, D. Raabe et al. Viscous coalescence of droplets: a lattice Boltzmann study. Physics of Fluids, 25, 052101, (2013)
- N. H. Siboni, D. Raabe, F. Varnik. Maintaining the equipartition theorem in small heterogeneous molecular dynamics ensembles. Physical Review E, 87, 030101, (2013)
- F. Varnik, A. Rios Nogues, M. Gross et al. Simulation of viscous sintering using the lattice Boltzmann method . Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 21, 025003, (2013)
- M. Gross, F. Varnik. Interfacial roughening in non-ideal fluids: dynamic scaling in the weak- and strong-damping regime. Physical Review E, 87, 022407, (2013)
- F. Farahpour, A. Maleknejad, F. Varnik et al. Chain deformation in translocation phenomena. Soft Matter, 9, 2750-2759, (2013)
- S. Mandal, M. Gross, D. Raabe et al. Flow heterogeneity and correlations in a sheared hard sphere glass: insight from computer simulations. 4th International Symposium on Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems: Keep Going Tohoku. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1518, 266-271, (2013)