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- F. Farahpour, M. Ejtehadi, F. Varnik. Polyelectrolytes polarization in nonuniform electric fields. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 25, 1 - 9, (2014)
- S. Mandal, S. Lang, M. Gross et al. Multiple reentrant glass transitions in confined hard-sphere glasses. Nature Communications, 5, 4435, (2014)
- F. Varnik, S. Mandal, V. Chikkadi et al. Correlations of plasticity in sheared glasses. Physical Review E, 89, 1 - 6, (2014)
- M. Gross, T. Krüger, F. Varnik. Rheology of dense suspensions of elastic capsules: normal stresses, yield stress, jamming and confinement effects. Soft Matter, 10, 4360-4372, (2014)
- M. Addis. Lattice Boltzmann studies of non-Newtonian fluids. Master Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (2014)