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Ruhr-Universität Bochum
IC 02-503
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum
Tel.: +49 234 32 29304
E-Mail: rebecca.janisch@rub.de

I want to understand the mechanical properties of material microstructures "from the bottom up", where the bottom can be the behaviour of atoms or even electrons in the microstructure.
I'm investigating the impact of defects (mainly phase and grain boundaries) in metals and alloys on the mechanical properties of microstructures and try to relate these effects to the fundamental defect properties like structure, stiffness and strength. Ideally, these relationships can be captured by analytic expressions which can serve as constitutive relationships for multiscale mechanical modeling.
Mechanical properties of interfaces
Ab initio electronic structure calculations
Development of scale bridging methods
- O. Sen, R. Janisch
Crack configuration influence on fracture behavior and stress shielding: insights from molecular dynamics simulations. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 32, 065033, (2024) - A. Azócar Guzmán, R. Janisch
Effects of mechanical stress, chemical potential, and coverage on hydrogen solubility during hydrogen-enhanced decohesion of ferritic steel grain boundaries: A first-principles study. Physical Review Materials, 8, 073601, (2024) - S. Hamdani, S. Abdeslam, A. Hartmaier, R. Janisch
Atomistic simulation of the influence of semi-coherent interfaces in the V/Fe bilayer system on plastic deformation during nanoindentation. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 32, 045012, (2024) - T. Schmalofski, M. Kroll, H. Dette, R. Janisch
Towards active learning: A stopping criterion for the sequential sampling of grain boundary degrees of freedom. Materialia, 31, 101865, (2023) - A. Chauniyal, R. Janisch
How coherent and semi-coherent interfaces govern dislocation nucleation in lamellar TiAl alloys. Advanced Engineering Materials, 25, 2300121, (2023) - S. Motahari, A. Chauniyal, R. Janisch
Investigating the microplastic behavior of hierarchical polycrystalline γ-TiAl microstructures. Computational Materials Science, 226, 112197, (2023) - M. Kroll, T. Schmalofski, H. Dette, R. Janisch
Efficient prediction of grain boundary energies from atomistic simulations via sequential design. Advanced Theory and Simulations, 5, 2100615, (2022) - A. Neogi, R. Janisch
Unravelling the lamellar size-dependent fracture behavior of fully lamellar intermetallic γ -TiAl. Acta Materialia, 227, 117698, (2022) - A. Chauniyal, G. Dehm, R. Janisch
On the role of pre-existing defects in influencing hardness in nanoscale indentations — insights from atomistic simulations. Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 154, 104511, (2021) - A. Neogi, R. Janisch
Twin-boundary assisted crack tip plasticity and toughening in lamellar γ -TiAl. Acta Materialia, 213, 116924, (2021) - M. Ramaswamy Guru Prasad, A. Neogi, N. Vajragupta, R. Janisch, A. Hartmaier
Influence of temperature on void collapse in single crystal nickel under hydrostatic compression. Materials, 14, 2369, (2021) - J. Wu, Z. Wu, L. Liu, A. Hartmaier, et al.
MD simulation study on defect evolution and doping efficiency of p-type doping of 3C-SiC by Al ion implantation with subsequent annealing. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7, 2258-2275, (2021) - A. Azócar Guzmán, J. Jeon, A. Hartmaier, R. Janisch
Hydrogen embrittlement at cleavage planes and grain boundaries in bcc iron—revisiting the first-principles cohesive zone model. Materials, 13, 5785, (2020) - A. Chauniyal, R. Janisch
Influence of lattice misfit on the deformation behaviour of α2/γ lamellae in TiAl alloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 796, 140053, (2020) - A. Neogi, M. Alam, A. Hartmaier, R. Janisch
Anisotropic failure behavior of ordered intermetallic TiAl alloys under pure mode-I loading. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 28, 065016, (2020) - L. Zhao, M. Alam, J. Zhang, R. Janisch, A. Hartmaier
Amorphization-governed elasto-plastic deformation under nanoindentation in cubic (3C) silicon carbide. Ceramics International, 46, 12470–12479, (2020) - X. Huang, R. Janisch
Partitioning of interstitial segregants during decohesion: a DFT case study of the Σ3 symmetric tilt grain boundary in ferritic steel. Materials, 12, 2971, (2019) - A. Subramanyam, A. Azócar Guzmán, S. Vincent, A. Hartmaier, R. Janisch
Ab initio study of the combined effects of alloying elements and H on grain boundary cohesion in ferritic steels. Metals, 9, 291, (2019) - J. Möller, E. Bitzek, R. Janisch, H. ul Hassan, A. Hartmaier
Fracture ab initio: A force-based scaling law for atomistically informed continuum models. Journal of Materials Research, 33, 3750 - 3761, (2018) - M. Kanani, A. Hartmaier, R. Janisch
The shear instability energy: A new parameter for materials design?. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 25, 075009, (2017) - H. Dette, J. Gösmann, C. Greiff, R. Janisch
Efficient sampling in materials simulation - Exploring the parameter space of grain boundaries. Acta Materialia, 125, 145-155, (2017) - J. Wang, R. Janisch, G. Madsen, R. Drautz
First-principles study of carbon segregation in bcc iron symmetrical tilt grain boundaries. Acta Materialia, 115, 259-268, (2016) - M. Kanani, A. Hartmaier, R. Janisch
Stacking fault based analysis of shear mechanisms at interfaces in lamellar TiAl alloys. Acta Materialia, 106, 208-218, (2016) - S. Sampath, R. Rementeria, X. Huang, J. D. Poplawsky, et al.
The role of silicon, vacancies, and strain in carbon distribution in low temperature bainite. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 673, 289-294, (2016) - X. Pang, R. Janisch, A. Hartmaier
Interplanar potential for tension-shear coupling at grain boundaries derived from ab initio calculations. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 24, 015007, (2016) - M. Kanani, A. Hartmaier, R. Janisch
Interface properties in lamellar TiAl microstructures from density functional theory. Intermetallics, 54, 154-163, (2014) - K. Chockalingam, R. Janisch, A. Hartmaier
Coupled atomistic-continuum study of the effects of C atoms at α-Fe dislocation cores. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 22, 075007, (2014) - A. Tahir, R. Janisch, A. Hartmaier
Hydrogen embrittlement of a carbon segregated Σ5(310)[001] symmetrical tilt grain boundary in α-Fe. Material Science and Engineering A, 612, 462-467, (2014) - A. Tahir, R. Janisch, A. Hartmaier
Ab initio calculation of traction separation laws for a grain boundary in molybdenum with segregated C impurites. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 21, 16, (2013) - S. Sampath, R. Janisch
Ab initio prediction of the critical thickness of a precipitate. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 25, 355005, (2013) - X. Pang, N. Ahmed, R. Janisch, A. Hartmaier
The mechanical shear behavior of Al single crystals and grain boundaries. Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 023503, (2012) - M. Prechtel, P. Leiva-Ronda, R. Janisch, A. Hartmaier, et al.
Simulation of fracture in heterogeneous elastic materials with cohesive zone models. International Journal of Fracture, 168, 15-29, (2011) - E. Hristova, R. Janisch, R. Drautz, A. Hartmaier
Solubility of carbon in α-iron under volumetric strain and close to the Σ5(310)[001] grain boundary: Comparison of DFT and empirical potential methods. Computational Materials Science, 50, 1088-1096, (2011) - R. Janisch, N. Ahmed, A. Hartmaier
Ab initio tensile tests of Al bulk crystals and grain boundaries: universality of mechanical behaviour. Physical Review B, 81, 184108, (2010) - R. Janisch, C. Elsässer
Interstitial impurities at grain boundaries in metals: insight from atomistic calculations. International Journal of Materials Research, 100, 1488-1493, (2009) - A. Böhner, R. Janisch, A. Hartmaier
Ab initio investigation of diamond coatings on steel. Scripta Materialia, 60, 504-507, (2009) - R. Janisch, C. Elsässer
Growth and mechanical properties of a MoC precipitate at a Mo grain boundary: an ab initio density functional study. Physical Review B, 77, 094118-1-9, (2008) - S. Gemming, R. Janisch, M. Schreiber, N. A. Spaldin
Density-functional investigation of the (113)[-110] twin grain boundary in Co-doped anatase TiO2 and its influence on magnetism in dilute magnetic semiconductors. Physical Review B, 76, 045204, (2007) - R. Janisch, N. A. Spaldin
Understanding ferromagnetism in Co-doped TiO2 anatase from first principles. Physical Review B, 73, 035201, (2006) - R. Janisch, P. Gopal, N. A. Spaldin
Transition metal-doped TiO2 and ZnO - present status of the field. Journal of Pysics: Condensed Matter , 17, R657-R689, (2005) - R. Janisch, Elsässer
Segregated light elements at grain boundaries in Niobium and Molybdenum. Physical Review B, 67, 224101, (2003)
- 23.09.2024
Rebecca Janisch, Abril Azócar Guzmán
The role of chemical potential and residual stress on H trapping and embrittlement at grain boundaries: A first principles cohesive zone model invited
Multiscale Materials Modeling Conference (MMM 11), Prague, Czech Republic - 12.09.2024
Rebecca Janisch
1001 grain boundary stories invited
Mike Finnis 75th Birthday Symposium, Imperial College London, UK - 23.06.2024
Rebecca Janisch, Abril Azócar Guzmán
Hydrogen trapping at grain boundaries and its effect on interfacial cohesion: The role of H chemical potential and residual stress invited
EPRI Hydrogen Embrittlement Workshop, University of Oxford, UK - 18.03.2024
Rebecca Janisch, Abril Azócar Guzmán
Effect of mechanical stress, chemical potential, and coverage on hydrogen solubility during decohesion of ferritic steel grain boundaries
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2024, Berlin, Germany - 05.09.2023
Timo Schmalofski, Martin Kroll, Pascal Thome, Holger Dette, Rebecca Janisch
Active learning approach for grain boundary parameter space sampling
FEMS EUROMAT 2023, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - 05.09.2023
Michael Burtscher, Onur Sen, Markus Alfreider, Ashish Chauniyal, et al.
Scale bridging evaluation of the fracture behavior of an advanced TiAl alloy
COMPLAS 2023, Barcelona, Spain - 05.09.2023
Rebecca Janisch, Anupam Neogi, Onur Sen, Ashish Chauniyal
Deformation and fracture of lamellar γ-TiAl microstructures: Insights from atomistic simulations
FEMS EUROMAT 2023, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - 28.03.2023
Rebecca Janisch, Anupam Neogi
Atomistic studies of crack tip twin-boundary interactions in lamellar TiAl alloys: Effect of misfit, misorientation and lamella spacing
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2023, Dresden, Germany - 27.03.2023
Timo Schmalofski, Martin Kroll, Rebecca Janisch, Holger Dette
An efficiently automated method to sample the energies of grain boundaries
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2023, Dresden, Germany - 27.03.2023
Onur Sen, Rebecca Janisch
Atomistic simulations of crack-tip interface interactions in lamellar TiAl microstructures
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2023, Dresden, Germany - 28.09.2022
Rebecca Janisch, Anupam Neogi
Crack twin-boundary interactions in lamellar TiAl alloys
Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Congress 2022, Darmstadt, Germany - 28.09.2022
Ashish Chauniyal, Rebecca Janisch
How interfaces dictate plasticity in nanolamellar alloys: an atomistic investigation using lamellar TiAl as a case study
Material Science and Engineering (MSE) Congress 2022, Darmstadt, Germany - 28.09.2022
Ashish Chauniyal, Rebecca Janisch
Influence of pre-existing defects on nanoindentation: insights from atomistic simulations
Material Science and Engineering (MSE) Congress 2022, Darmstadt, Germany - 13.09.2022
Rebecca Janisch, Anupam Neogi, Ashish Chauniyal
Crack twin-boundary interactions in lamellar γ-titanium aluminide alloys invited
Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture 10 (MSMF 10), Brnǒ, Czech Republic - 05.09.2022
Timo Schmalofski, Martin Kroll, Rebecca Janisch, Holger Dette
An efficient method to access the grain boundary parameter space with atomistic simulations
DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section 2022, Universität Regensburg, Germany - 04.07.2022
Rebecca Janisch, Abril Azócar Guzmán, Alexander Hartmaier
Hydrogen enhanced decohesion in ferritic steels - a reassessment of the first-principles cohesive zone model invited
European Solid Mechanics Conference 2022 (ESMC 2022), Galway, Ireland - 20.06.2022
Timo Schmalofski, Martin Kroll, Rebecca Janisch, Holger Dette
An efficient sequential approach to sample the grain boundary parameter space
MRD Materials Day 2022, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany - 24.03.2022
Rebecca Janisch, Abril Azócar Guzmán, Aparna Subramanyam, Smobin Vincent, et al.
Trapping of hydrogen at grain boundaries in ferritic steels – the role of grain boundary structure and composition invited
International Seminar Series on the Microstructure of Materials, online event - 06.12.2021
Timo Schmalofski, Rebecca Janisch, Martin Kroll, Holger Dette
Sampling the parameter space of grain boundaries with a sequential sampling technique - atomistics meets statistics
4th Young Materials Researchers Day, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany - 28.09.2021
Timo Schmalofski, Martin Kroll, Holger Dette, Rebecca Janisch
An efficient sequential approach to sample the grain boundary parameter space
84th Annual Meeting of DPG of the Condensed Matter Section, online event - 30.11.2020
Timo Schmalofski, Rebecca Janisch, Martin Kroll, Holger Dette
Sampling of multidimensional energy subspaces of grain boundaries through MD simulations
3rd Young Materials Researchers Day RUB, Bochum, Germany, online 30.11.2020 - 04.11.2020
Rebecca Janisch, Abril Azócar Guzmán, Xiang Huang, Jeongwook Jeon
Hydrogen-enhanced decohesion at grain boundaries in ferritic steels invited
ADIS Workshop (Ab-Initio Description of Iron and Steel) 2020 online workshop - 24.09.2020
Abril Azócar Guzmán, Jeongwook Jeon, Alexander Hartmaier, Rebecca Janisch
Ab initio analysis of hydrogen solution, segregation and embrittlement at cleavage plains and at a grain boundary in ferritic steel
Materials Science and Engineering Congress 2020 online conference, TU Darmstadt, Germany - 22.09.2020
Anupam Neogi, Alexander Hartmaier, Rebecca Janisch
Orientation-dependent fracture behaviour of single crystal and two-phase intermetallic TiAl
Materials Science and Engineering Congress 2020 online conference, TU Darmstadt, Germany - 01.09.2019
Rebecca Janisch, Johannes Möller, Erik Bitzek, Hamad Hassan, Alexander Hartmaier
Segregation and embrittlement at grain boundaries in multicomponent steel – insights from ab-initio calculations invited
EUROMAT 2019 Stockholm, Sweden - 22.08.2019
Rebecca Janisch, Johannes Möller, Erik Bitzek, Hamad Hassan, Alexander Hartmaier
Atomistic aspects of deformation and fracture invited
DCMS MATERIALS 4.0 summer school Deep Mechanics Dresden, Germany - 05.08.2019
Anupam Neogi, Alexander Hartmaier, Rebecca Janisch
Atomistic simulation of fracture in lamellar TiAl microstructures
ISAM4-2019: The fourth International Symposium on Atomistic and Multiscale Modeling of Mechanics and Multiphysics (IIS UTokyo SYMPOSIUM No. 101), Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Germany - 06.08.2019
Anupam Neogi, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Atomistic simulation of fracture in lamellar TiAl microstructures
ISAM4-2019: The fourth International Symposium on Atomistic and Multiscale Modeling of Mechanics and Multiphysics, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Germany - 13.06.2019
Rebecca Janisch
Is hydrogen-enhanced decohesion at grain boundaries in ferritic steels a consequence of co-segregation? - Insights from ab-initio calculations invited
ALEMI workshop Vancouver, Canada - 12.06.2019
Rebecca Janisch, Johannes Möller, Erik Bitzek, Hamad Hassan, Alexander Hartmaier
Fracture ab initio: a force-based scaling law for atomistically informed continuum models
Canadian Materials Science Conference Vancouver, Canada - 18.04.2019
Rebecca Janisch
Is hydrogen-enhanced decohesion at grain boundaries in ferritic steels a consequence of co-segregation? - Insights from ab-initio calculations
Hydrogen in metals – current understanding and future needs Oxford, United Kingdom - 02.04.2019
Abril Azócar Guzmán, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Size independent description of the strain effects on the segregation of carbon and hydrogen in iron
DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg, Germany - 02.04.2019
Rebecca Janisch, Xiang Huang, Alexander Hartmaier
Partitioning of segregating impurities during grain boundary decohesion
DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg, Germany - 01.11.2018
Hamad Hassan, Johannes Möller, Erik Bitzek, Alexander Hartmaier, Rebecca Janisch
Atomistically informed mesoscale modeling of fracture
18th International conference on the strength of materials (ICSMA) Osaka, Japan - 27.09.2018
Rebecca Janisch, Ashish Chauniyal, Ankit Izardar, Alexander Hartmaier
Atomistic simulations of size effects in lamellar TiAl alloys
Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Darmstadt, Germany - 27.06.2018
Rebecca Janisch
Fracture ab initio: Scalable traction-separation laws for single crystals and grain boundaries
10 Years ICAMS - International Symposium, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany - 25.06.2018
Abril Azócar Guzmán, Rebecca Janisch
Effects of alloying elements on the H-embrittlement of a C segregated grain boundary in α-Fe
10 Years ICAMS - International Symposium, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany - 25.06.2018
Ashish Chauniyal, Rebecca Janisch
Atomistic simulations of deformation in lamellar TiAl alloys
10 Years ICAMS - International Symposium, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany - 14.03.2018
Johannes Möller, Hamad Hassan, Erik Bitzek, Alexander Hartmaier, Rebecca Janisch
From inter-atomic forces to stress fields at a crack tip - incorporating the results of atomistic calculations into continuum models
DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin, Germany - 20.06.2017
Rebecca Janisch, Mansour Kanani, Xueyong Pang, Arshad Tahir, Alexander Hartmaier
Deformation and fracture at grain boundaries: Can we include atomistic effects in mesoscale descriptions via a few physical parameters? invited
14th International Conference on Fracture, Ixia, Greece - 22.05.2017
Rebecca Janisch, Mansour Kanani, Xueyong Pang, Alexander Hartmaier
Atomistic origins of deformation at grain boundaries in Al and TiAl invited
EMRS Spring Meeting 2017, Strasbourg, France - 09.05.2017
Rebecca Janisch, Josua Gösmann, Christian Greiff, Holger Dette
Efficient sampling in materials simulation − Exploring the five dimensional parameter space of grain boundaries
ICAMS Advanced Discussions, Bochum, Germany - 03.05.2017
Rebecca Janisch, Xueyong Pang, Mansour Kanani, Ankit Izardar, Alexander Hartmaier
Grain boundary properties: Insights from atomistic simulations and their use in mechanical modeling of materials invited
SFB 986 Materials Science Colloquium, Technical University Hamburg, Germany - 22.03.2017
Rebecca Janisch, Mansour Kanani, Alexander Hartmaier
The shear instability energy as a new parameter to characterise deformation behaviour of materials
DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden, Germany - 22.03.2017
Rebecca Janisch, Josua Gösmann, Christian Greiff, Holger Dette
Efficient sampling in materials simulation - Exploring the parameter space of grain boundaries
DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden, Germany - 20.03.2017
Aparna Subramanyam, Abril Azócar Guzmán, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Effects of alloying additions on the H embrittlement of a C segregated Σ5 GB in α Fe
DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden, Germany - 03.10.2016
Aparna Subramanyam, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Effects of manganese on the hydrogen embrittlement of a Carbon segregated grain boundary in α-Fe
ADIS 2016, Tegernsee, Germany - 28.09.2016
Rebecca Janisch, Aram Asaadi, Ankit Izardar, Alexander Hartmaier
Molecular dynamics simulations of nano-indentation in lamellar microstructures of TiAl
MSE 2016: Materials Science and Engineering Congress, Darmstadt, Germany - 27.09.2016
Rebecca Janisch, Mansour Kanani, Alexander Hartmaier
Shear mechanisms at interfaces in lamellar TiAl alloys from atomistic simulations
MSE 2016: Materials Science and Engineering Congress, Darmstadt, Germany - 01.09.2016
Rebecca Janisch
Verformung an Grenzflächen in Al und TiAl: Was lernen wir aus atomistischen Simulationen? invited
DGM Regionalforum Rhein-Ruhr, Bonn, Germany - 31.05.2016
Rebecca Janisch, Xueyong Pang, Mansour Kanani, Alexander Hartmaier
Constitutive relationships for grain boundaries from atomistic simulations for multiscale mechanical modelling of metallic microstructures
Materials Chain International Conference 2016, Bochum, Germany - 02.05.2016
Rebecca Janisch, Mansour Kanani, Xueyong Pang, Alexander Hartmaier
Constitutive relationships for grain boundaries from atomistic simulations invited
ICAMS Advanced Discussions 2016, Bochum, Germany - 02.05.2016
Rebecca Janisch
Constitutive relationships for interfaces from atomistic simulations
ICAMS Advanced Discussions 2016, Bochum, Germany - 28.04.2016
Rebecca Janisch
Grain boundary properties from atomistic simulations and their use in mechanical modelling of materials invited
Fraunhofer IWS Seminar, Dresden, Germany - 27.04.2016
Rebecca Janisch
Grain boundary properties from atomistic simulations and their use in mechanical modelling of materials invited
Physikalisches Kolloquium at the Institute of Physics, TU Chemnitz, Germany - 06.03.2016
Rebecca Janisch
Deformation mechanisms of grain boundaries in Al and TiAl from atomistic simulations invited
DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg, Germany - 02.10.2015
Xueyong Pang, Arshad Tahir, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Interplanar potential for tension-shear coupling at grain boundaries from ab initio calculations
25th International Workshop on Computational Micromechanics, Bochum, Germany - 22.06.2015
Rebecca Janisch
Can we model the mechanical properties of grain boundaries based on a few material properties? invited
Workshop on Understanding Grain Boundary Migration: Theory Meets Experiment, Günzburg, Germany - 19.03.2015
Mansour Kanani, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Shearing behaviour of interfaces: Linking intrinsic properties with deformation mechanisms
DPG Spring Meeting 2015, Berlin, Germany - 18.03.2015
Sankari Sampath, Rebecca Janisch
Influence of alloying elements on the fracture strength of iron
DPG Spring Meeting 2015, Berlin, Germany - 16.03.2015
Arshad Tahir, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Hydrogen embrittlement of a carbon segregated symmetrical tilt grain boundary in α-Fe
DPG Spring Meeting 2015, Berlin, Germany - 26.02.2015
Rebecca Janisch
Energies and mechanical properties of interfaces from ab-initio calculations and their use in mesoscale models invited
Thomas Young Centre, London, UK - 02.01.2015
Alexander Hartmaier, Karthikeyan Chockalingam, Rehman Hameed, Philipp Schwittek, et al.
Atomistically informed continuum models for plasticity and fracture of tempered martensite invited
International Symposium of Plasticity 2015, Montego Bay, Jamaica - 01.10.2014
Alexander Hartmaier, Karthikeyan Chockalingam, Rehman Hameed, Xueyong Pang, et al.
Atomistically informed continuum models for plasticity and fracture of martensitic steels invited
24th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Madrid, Spain - 24.09.2014
Mansour Kanani, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Atomistic study of deformation mechanisms in TiAl-Ti3Al lamellar microstructure
Materials Science and Engineering MSE, Darmstadt, Germany - 04.07.2014
Rebecca Janisch
Insights into mechanical properties of interfaces via atomistic simulations invited
Seminar at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Geesthacht, Germany - 02.07.2014
Rebecca Janisch
Modelling and understanding interface behaviour by means of atomistic simulations invited
Summerschool "Interfaces" of the SFB 986, Drochtersen-Hüll, Germany - 03.04.2014
Xueyong Pang, Rebecca Janisch
Temperature-dependent shear behaviour of different grain boundaries in aluminum: an MD study
DPG Spring Meeting 2014, Dresden, Germany - 03.04.2014
Daniel Sopu, Xueyong Pang, Jutta Rogal, Rebecca Janisch, Ralf Drautz
Comparison of transition path sampling and metadynamics for the study of solid-liquid interface properties
DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden, Germany - 17.03.2014
Mansour Kanani, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Mechanical properties of interfaces in TiAl α2/γ lamellar microstructures: atomistic study
Winter School International Seminar on Process Chain Simulation and Related Topics, Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany - 19.02.2014
Rebecca Janisch, Xueyong Pang, Arshad Tahir, Alexander Hartmaier
Modelling and understanding the strength of grain boundaries based on ab initio results
TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, USA - 06.11.2013
Mansour Kanani, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Interface properties and deformation mechanism of TiAl α2/γ lamellar microstructures from atomistic simulations
Materials Day 2013, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany - 04.11.2013
Rebecca Janisch
Mechanical models for grain boundaries based on ab-initio result
Materials Day 2013, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany - 01.10.2013
Mansour Kanani, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Interface properties and grain boundary mechanics in a TiAl γ/α2 lamellar microstructure through atomistic simulations
DGM Intermetallics 2013, Bad Staffelstein, Germany - 10.09.2013
Arshad Tahir, Venkata Naga Ganisetti, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Effect of impurities on inter-granular fracture strength of body centered cubic metals
EUROMAT 2013, Sevilla, Spain - 10.09.2013
Mansour Kanani, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Mechanical properties and deformation behaviour of TiAl/Ti3Al lamellar microstructures: an atomistic study
EUROMAT 2013, Sevilla, Spain - 26.06.2013
Alexander Hartmaier, Arshad Tahir, Rebecca Janisch
Atomistically informed continuum models for fracture invited
AK Mikrostrukturmechanik, Hochschule Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany - 18.06.2013
Alexander Hartmaier, Arshad Tahir, Rebecca Janisch
Atomistically informed continuum models for fracture
13th International Conference on Fracture, Beijing, China - 06.05.2013
Rebecca Janisch
Modelling and understanding the strength of grain boundaries based on ab-initio results
ICAMS² 2013, International Colloquium on Advanced Materials Simulation, Bochum, Germany - 13.03.2013
Sankari Sampath, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Ab-initio prediction of the critical thickness of a coherent precipitate
DPG Spring Meeting 2013, Regensburg, Germany - 13.03.2013
Arshad Tahir, Venkata Naga Ganisetti, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Computational study of the intergranular fracture strength of transition metals in the presence of impurity atoms
DPG Spring Meeting 2013, Regensburg, Germany - 13.03.2013
Rebecca Janisch
Modelling and understanding the strength of grain boundaries based on ab-initio results invited
DPG Spring Meeting 2013, Regensburg, Germany - 11.03.2013
Mansour Kanani, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Mechanical properties of fully lamellar TiAl alloys obtained from a DFT study
DPG Spring Meeting 2013, Regensburg, Germany - 08.11.2012
Sankari Sampath, Rebecca Janisch, Suzana Fries, Alexander Hartmaier
The role of coherency strain in the evolution of a metastable precipitate in a molybdenum-carbon binary system
Materials Day 2012, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany - 19.10.2012
Arshad Tahir, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Multiscale modelling of the influence of C on the intergranular-fracture strength of bcc Mo, W and Fe
MMM 2012 - 6th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Biopolis, Singapore - 18.10.2012
Rebecca Janisch, Naveed Ahmed, Xueyong Pang, Alexander Hartmaier
Efficient ab-initio characterisation of the mechanical behavior of grain boundaries
MMM 2012 - 6th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Biopolis, Singapore - 17.10.2012
Rebecca Janisch, Sankari Sampath, Alexander Hartmaier
The role of coherency strain in the evolution of a metastable precipitate in the molybdenum-carbon binary system
MMM 2012, 6th international conference on multiscale materials modeling, Biopolis, Singapore - 24.08.2012
Sankari Sampath, Rebecca Janisch, Suzana Fries, Alexander Hartmaier
Role of coherency strain in the stabilization of a metastable precipitate of the Mo-C binary system
ICSMA 16, Bangalore, India - 29.03.2012
Sankari Sampath, Rebecca Janisch, Suzana Fries, Alexander Hartmaier
Role of coherency strain in the stabilization of a metastable precipitate of the Mo-C binary system
DPG spring meeting, Berlin, Germany - 26.03.2012
Arshad Tahir, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
C at Σ5 symmetrical tilt grain boundary in Mo - from ab-initio results to traction-separation law
DPG Spring Meeting 2012, Berlin, Germany - 26.03.2012
Xueyong Pang, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Ab-initio study of the mechanical shear behavior of Al with and without normal stress
DPG Spring Meeting 2012, Berlin, Germany - 26.01.2012
Sankari Sampath, Rebecca Janisch, Suzana Fries, Alexander Hartmaier
The role of coherency strain on the structural stability of a metastable precipitate in Mo-C binary system
1st Austrain German workshop on computational materials design, Kramsach, Austria - 26.01.2012
Arshad Tahir, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Influence of C on the mechanical properties of a Σ5 STGB in Mo: ab-initio study
1st Austrian-German workshop on Computational Materials Design, Kramsach, Austria - 12.09.2011
Arshad Tahir, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Ab-initio investigation of the influence of carbon on the mechanical properties of the sigma-5 symmetrical tilt grain boundary in molybdenum
EUROMAT 2011 - European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, Montpellier, France - 12.09.2011
Sankari Sampath, Rebecca Janisch, Suzana Fries, Alexander Hartmaier
The role of interface energy in the evolution of a metastable phase in the molybdenum-carbon binary system
EUROMAT 2011 - European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, Montpellier, France - 12.09.2011
Xueyong Pang, Rebecca Janisch, Naveed Ahmed, Alexander Hartmaier
Ab-initio study of the shear properties of aluminium with different methods
EUROMAT 2011 - European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, Montpellier, France - 10.07.2011
Xueyong Pang, Naveed Ahmed, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Ab-initio study of the γ-surfaces of aluminium bulk and grain boundaries
ψ-k/CECAM/ccp9 graduate school, Oxford, UK - 02.05.2011
Arthur Bialon, Elisaveta Hristova, Sankari Sampath, Arshad Tahir, et al.
Alloying with light elements
Materials Design in Chemical Compound Space Workshop, IPAM, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA - 10.03.2011
Thomas Hammerschmidt, Rebecca Janisch
Light elements and deformation mechanisms
ICAMS Advanced Discussions, Bochum, Germany - 22.11.2010
Rebecca Janisch
An atomistic view on interfaces in materials invited
8th Materials Day, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany - 24.10.2010
Elisaveta Hristova, Rebecca Janisch, Ralf Drautz, Alexander Hartmaier
The solubility of carbon in bcc iron under volumetric strain: comparison of DFT and empirical methods
468. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar "Ab initio Description of Iron and Steel: Mechanical properties", Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, Germany - 24.10.2010
Rebecca Janisch, Sankari Sampath, Andreas Böhner, Christian Elsässer, Alexander Hartmaier
Influence of light elements on the mechanical properties of interfaces in transition metals
468. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar "Ab initio Description of Iron and Steel: Mechanical properties", Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, Germany - 25.10.2010
Alexander Hartmaier, Rebecca Janisch
Scale-bridging modelling of mechanical properties of interfaces invited
468. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar "Ab initio Description of Iron and Steel: Mechanical properties", Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, Germany - 07.10.2010
Elisaveta Hristova, Rebecca Janisch, Ralf Drautz, Alexander Hartmaier
The solubility of carbon in bcc iron under volumetric strain: comparison of DFT and empirical methods
Fifth International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM2010), Freiburg, Germany - 22.03.2010
Rebecca Janisch, Naveed Ahmed, Alexander Hartmaier
Ab-initio characterisation of the mechanical behavior of grain boundaries
DPG Spring Meeting 2010, Regensburg, Germany - 10.12.2009
Rebecca Janisch
Mechanical properties of interfaces – insights from atomistic simulations invited
Max-Planck Institute for Iron Research, Düsseldorf - 30.11.2009
Alexander Hartmaier, Rebecca Janisch, Naveed Ahmed, Xiaohui Zeng
Deformation of ultra-fine-grained and nanocrystalline metals: role of dislocation-grain boundary interaction invited
Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS), Boston (MA), USA - 23.09.2009
Marina Prechtel, Rebecca Janisch, Günter Leugering, Alexander Hartmaier, Paul Steinmann
Cohesive element model for simulation of crack growth in composite materials
International Conference on Crack Paths, Vincenza, Italy - 07.09.2009
Rebecca Janisch, Naveed Ahmed, Alexander Hartmaier
Cohesive laws for grain boundaries from ab initio calculations
Euromat 2009, Glasgow, UK - 10.09.2009
Naveed Ahmed, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Ab-initio investigation of the mechanical properties of grain boundaries in aluminum
Euromat 2009, Glasgow, UK - 23.03.2009
Rebecca Janisch, Naveed Ahmed, Alexander Hartmaier
Elastic and plastic properties of special grain boundaries in aluminium
DPG Spring Meeting 2009, Dresden, Germany - 10.11.2008
Rebecca Janisch
Elastic and Plastic Properties of Special Grain Boundaries
ICAMS, Room 1102 - 04.09.2008
Andreas Böhner, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier, Karsten Kellermann, et al.
CVD-diamond coatings on heat-treatable steels – experimental and computational Investigation of the adhesive layer system Cr/CrxCy/diamond invited
Materials Science and Engineering 2008, Nürnberg, Germany - 01.09.2008
, Rebecca Janisch, Alexander Hartmaier
Ab initio study of the ternary layered system Ti-Al-C invited
Materials Science and Engineering 2008, Nürnberg - 30.06.2008
Alexander Hartmaier, Rebecca Janisch,
Interfacial strength: ab-initio calculation of cohesive zone parameters invited
8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics WCCM8, Venice, Italy
Professional Experience
since 2008
Research group leader at ICAMS
Research group leader, Department of Materials Science, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Postdoc, Institute of opto and solid state electronics, Technical University Chemnitz, Germany
Postdoc, Materials Department, University of California Santa Barbara, California, USA
PhD, Physics, MPIE Max Planck Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
Dipl.-Phys., Physics, Universität Stuttgart