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Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
IC 02-503
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum
Tel.: +49 151 2611 4982
E-Mail: markus.stricker@rub.de
- Metal Plasticity
- Scale Bridging Materials design
- Computational Materials Science
- Molecular Dynamics, Discrete Dislocation Dynamics, Machine Learned Interatomic Potentials
I am part of the group Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence at RUB
- B. Udofia, T. Jogi, M. Stricker
Dislocation cartography: Representations and unsupervised classification of dislocation networks with unique fingerprints. APL Machine Learning, 3, 016103, (2025) - A. Chauniyal, P. Thome, M. Stricker
Employing constrained nonnegative matrix factorization for microstructure segmentation. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 30, 712–723, (2024) - L. Zhang, M. Stricker
MatNexus: A comprehensive text mining and analysis suite for materials discovery. SoftwareX, 26, 101654, (2024) - M. Stricker, D. Weygand
A model for physical dislocation transmission through grain boundaries and its implementation in a discrete dislocation dynamics tool. Journal of Materials Science: Materials Theory, 8, 12, (2024) - R. Khachaturyan, Y. Yang, S. Teng, B. Udofia, et al.
Microscopic insights on field induced switching and domain wall motion in orthorhombic ferroelectrics. Physical Review Materials, 8, 024403, (2024) - A. Demirci, D. Steinberger, M. Stricker, N. Merkert, et al.
Statistical analysis of discrete dislocation dynamics simulations: initial structures, cross-slip and microstructure evolution. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 31, 075003, (2023) - G. Eshlaghi, G. Egels, S. Benito, M. Stricker, et al.
Three-dimensional microstructure reconstruction for two-phase materials from three orthogonal surface maps. Frontiers in Materials, 10, 1-17, (2023) - M. Ali, O. Shchyglo, M. Stricker, I. Steinbach
Coherency loss marking the onset of degradation in high temperature creep of superalloys: phase-field simulation coupled to strain gradient crystal plasticity. Computational Materials Science, 220, 112069, (2023) - M. Stricker, M. Ziemann, M. Walter, S. Weygand, et al.
Dislocation structure analysis in the strain gradient of torsion loading: a comparison between modelling and experiment. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 30, 035007, (2022) - P. Stoyanov, R. Merz, M. Stricker, M. Kopnarski, M. Dienwiebel
Achieving ultra-low friction with diamond/metal systems in extreme environments. Materials, 14, 3791, (2021) - F. Musil, M. Veit, A. Goscinski, G. Fraux, et al.
Efficient implementation of atom-density representations. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 154, 114109, (2021) - M. Stricker, W. A. Curtin
Prismatic slip in Magnesium. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124, 27230-27240, (2020) - M. Stricker, B. Yin, E. Mak, W. Curtin
Machine learning for metallurgy II. A neural-network potential for magnesium. Physical Review Materials, 4, 103602, (2020) - B. Yin, M. Stricker, W. A. Curtin
Pure Magnesium DFT calculations for interatomic potential fitting. Materials Cloud Archive, (2020) - P. Lied, C. Bonnekoh, W. Pantleon, M. Stricker, et al.
Comparison of K-doped and pure cold-rolled tungsten sheets: as-rolled condition and recrystallization behaviour after isochronal annealing at different temperatures. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 85, 105047, (2019) - S. Schmitt, M. Stricker, P. Gumbsch, K. Schulz
A mechanism-based homogenization of a dislocation source model for bending. Acta Materialia, 164, 663-672, (2019) - F. Roters, M. Diehl, P. Shanthraj, P. Eisenlohr, et al.
DAMASK – The Düsseldorf Advanced Material Simulation Kit for modeling multi-physics crystal plasticity, thermal, and damage phenomena from the single crystal up to the component scale. Computational Materials Science, 158, 420-478, (2019) - M. Stricker, M. Sudmanns, K. Schulz, T. Hochrainer, D. Weygand
Dislocation multiplication in stage II deformation of fcc multi-slip single crystals. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 119, 319-333, (2018) - M. Stricker, D. Weygand, P. Gumbsch
Irreversibility of dislocation motion under cyclic loading due to strain gradients. Scripta Materialia, 129, 69-73, (2017) - M. Stricker
Die Übertragung von mikrostrukturellen Eigenschaften aus der diskreten Versetzungsdynamik in Kontinuumsbeschreibungen. (2017) - E. Bayerschen, M. Stricker, D. Weygand, T. Böhlke
Non‐quadratic defect energy: A comparison of gradient plasticity simulations to discrete dislocation dynamics results. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 16, 301-302, (2016) - E. Bayerschen, M. Stricker, S. Wulfinghoff, D. Weygand, T. Böhlke
Equivalent plastic strain gradient plasticity with grain boundary hardening and comparison to discrete dislocation dynamics. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 471, 2184, (2015) - M. Stricker, D. Weygand
Dislocation multiplication mechanisms – glissile junctions and their role on the plastic deformation at the microscale. Acta Materialia, 99, 130-139, (2015) - M. Stricker, J. Gagel, S. Schmitt, K. Schulz, et al.
On slip transmission and grain boundary yielding. Meccanica, 51, 271–278, (2015) - P. Stoyanov, P. A. Romero, R. Merz, M. Kopnarski, et al.
Nanoscale sliding friction phenomena at the interface of diamond-like carbon and tungsten. Acta Materialia, 67, 395-408, (2014)
- 19.11.2024
Markus Stricker, Sepideh Baghaee Ravari, Mehrdad Mahdavi Jafari, Ashish Chauniyal
Data-based approaches for interfaces invited
Characterization and Properties of Interface-Dominated Materials - InMa 2024 Symposium, Aachen, Germany - 07.10.2024
Lei Zhang, Markus Stricker
Accelerating catalyst discovery with NLP: knowledge from words, results that shine
CRC1625 Retreat 2024, Raesfeld, Germany - 25.09.2024
Benjamin Udofia, Markus Stricker
Identification of dislocation structures in experimental Laue microdiffraction patterns
The 11th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Prague, Czech Republic - 23.09.2024
Lei Zhang, Markus Stricker
A comparative study of machine learning models and vector analysis techniques for improved prediction of quaternary material systems based on word embeddings
The 11th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Prague, Czech Republic - 23.08.2024
Markus Stricker, Lars Banko, Nick Sarazin, Jan Janßen, et al.
Computationally accelerated experimental materials characterization using pyiron
Multiscale Materials Modeling 11, Prague, Czech Republic - 19.09.2024
Lei Zhang, Markus Stricker
MatNexus: A tool for systematic text extraction and analysis in materials science
GC-MAC Summer School 2023, KIT Karlsruhe, Germany - 27.08.2024
Markus Stricker, Lars Banko, Nick Sarazin, Jan Janßen, et al.
Computationally accelerated experimental materials characterization using pyiron
CRC1625 workshop: Designing the Future of Electrocatalysis with Compositionally Complex Solid Solutions, Bochum, Germany - 24.06.2024
Markus Stricker, Benjamin Udofia, Gauravkumar Lathiya, Ashish Chauniyal
Informatics for dislocations (and defects) invited
FAU Erlangen WW Seminar, Fürth, Germany - 11.06.2024
Lei Zhang, Markus Stricker
MatNexus: A comprehensive text mining and analysis suite for materials discovery
7th Early Career Researchers Day, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany - 16.05.2024
Markus Stricker, Ashish Chauniyal, Benjamin Udofia
Improving materials characterization by combining existing methods with machine learning invited
MRD Industry Day, ZGH, Bochum, Germany - 13.05.2024
Lei Zhang, Markus Stricker
A comparative study of machine learning models and vector analysis techniques for improved prediction of quaternary material systems based on word embeddings
Workshop Machine Learning Modalities for Materials Science, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia - 22.04.2024
Lei Zhang, Markus Stricker
Boosting materials design: Word embeddings meet experimental data
ICAMS Scientific Retreat 2024, Tagungshaus Soest, Germany - 17.04.2024
Markus Stricker
Materials informatics and data science
DAAD AINet, online - 18.03.2024
Markus Stricker
Materials informatics - appreciation of data and algorithms invited
DPG Frühjahrstagung, Berlin, Germany - 15.02.2024
Markus Stricker
Mesoscale simulation of grain boundaries invited
MPIE Seminar, Düsseldorf, Germany - 29.01.2024
Markus Stricker
Materials informatics - appreciation of data and algorithms invited
KCDS Talks - Computational and Data Science, Karlsruhe, Germany - 22.01.2024
Markus Stricker
Materials informatics - appreciation of data and algorithms invited
Materialwissenschaftliches Seminar TU Darmstadt, Germany - 10.01.2023
Markus Stricker, Lars Banko, Nick Sarazin, Niklas Siemer, et al.
Materials Informatics - appreciation of data and algorithms invited
Materials Data Science and Informatics (IAS-9), Jülich, Germany - 08.09.2023
Markus Stricker
Materials informatics: Appreciation of data and algorithms
Project Meeting SPP1980, Duisburg, Germany - 07.09.2023
Benjamin Udofia, Markus Stricker
Identification of dislocation structures in experimental Laue microdiffraction patterns
FEMS EUROMAT 2023, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - 07.09.2023
Lei Zhang, Markus Stricker
Text mining for insights in material science: A case study in electrocatalysis
FEMS EUROMAT 2023, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - 06.09.2023
Lei Zhang, Markus Stricker
From text data to word embeddings in materials science
FEMS EUROMAT 2023, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - 06.09.2023
Markus Stricker, Lars Banko, Nick Sarazin, Niklas Siemer, et al.
Computationally accelerated experimental materials characterization using pyiron
FEMS EUROMAT 2023, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - 17.04.2023
Markus Stricker, Michael Ziemann, Mario Walter, Sabine Weygand, et al.
Materials informatic for plasticity invited
DGM Fachausschuss Materials Modelling, Simulation, and Data, Aachen, Germany - 24.10.2022
Lei Zhang, Markus Stricker
From text data to word embeddings in materials science
WE-Heraeus-Seminar Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany 23.10.2022-27.10.2022 - 23.10.2022
Lei Zhang, Markus Stricker, Juntong Huang
Exploring WC-based electrocatalysts for robust hydrogen evolution reaction via energy-saving method
WE-Heraeus Seminar Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany - 29.09.2022
Markus Stricker, Michael Ziemann, Mario Walter, Sabine Weygand, et al.
Data fusion from modeling and experiments: dislocation structures in the strain gradient of torsion
Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Congress 2022, Darmstadt, Germany - 28.09.2022
Ashish Chauniyal, Markus Stricker
Estimiating geometrically necessary dislocations from Kikuchi patterns
Material Science and Engineering (MSE) Congress 2022, Darmstadt, Germany - 20.09.2022
Tushar Jogi, Markus Stricker
High-Temperature creep behaviour of Ni-base superalloys using parametric climb functions in discrete dislocation dynamics
EuroSuperalloys 2022, Bamberg, Germany - 29.08.2022
Markus Stricker
Materials Informatics - introduction, applications, and future
Materials Chain International Conference: Future Energy Materials and Systems, Bochum - 28.08.2022
Markus Stricker
Materials informatics: introduction, applications, and future invited
Materials Chain International Conference on Future Energy Materials and Systems 2022, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany - 31.07.2022
Markus Stricker, Binglun Yin, Eleanor Mak, W. A. Curtin
Fitting and using machine-learned interatomic potentials for plasticity invited
World Congress on Computational Mechanics WCCM, Yokohama (online), Japan - 07.06.2022
Markus Stricker
Materials Informatics - introduction, application to metal plasticity
RWTH Seminar Series Data-driven & Machine Learning for Computational Materials Modeling Simulation - 07.06.2022
Markus Stricker
Materials informatics – introduction, application to metal plasticity invited
Seminar Series on Data-Driven and Artificial Neural Network / Machine Learning Methods for Computational Material Modeling and Simulation, RWTH Aachen, Germany - 26.04.2022
Markus Stricker, Binglun Yin, Eleanor Mak, W. A. Curtin, et al.
Materials informatics for plasticity invited
DGM Fachausschuss Materials Modelling, Simulation, and Data - 22.11.2021
Markus Stricker, Binglun Yin, Eleanor Mak, W. A. Curtin, et al.
Machine learning for plasticity invited
3rd Materials Chain International Conference (MCIC) 2021: Materials Discovery and Processing for Energy, Bochum, Germany, online event - 27.09.2021
Markus Stricker, W. A. Curtin
Prismatic slip in magnesium with a neural network potential
DPG Meeting SKM21, online event - 15.09.2021
Markus Stricker, Binglun Yin, Eleanor Mak, W. A. Curtin
Prismatic slip in magnesium with a neural network potential
EUROMAT 2021, Graz, Austria, online event - 08.09.2021
Markus Stricker, Binglun Yin, Eleanor Mak, W. A. Curtin
What is materials informatics? An introduction and selected examples from plasticity and metallurgy invited
DGM Materials Week, online event - 26.08.2021
Markus Stricker
Materials informatics overview, applications, and vision
ICAMS Retreat, online event - 06.08.2021
Markus Stricker, Binglun Yin, Eleanor Mak, W. A. Curtin
Machine learning a neural network interatomic potential for magnesium
ICAMS Advanced Discussion, Bochum, Germany - 21.06.2021
Markus Stricker, Binglun Yin, Eleanor Mak, W. A. Curtin
What is materials informatics? An introduction and selected exampels from plasticity and metallurgy invited
RUB Physik Kolloquium, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany - 08.01.2021
Markus Stricker, Eleanor Mak, Binglun Yin, W. A. Curtin
A neural network potential for magnesium and its application to prismatic cross-slip invited
Max Planck Institute for Iron Research, Düsseldorf, Germany
- librascal
Librascal is a atomistic fingerprint and machine learning code.
Professional Experience
Since 2020: Jun.-Prof. ICAMS, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
2018-2020: Postdoctoral researcher, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Laboratory for Multiscale Mechanics Modeling, Lausanne (Switzerland)
2017-2018: Postdoctoral researcher, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), IAM–Computational Materials Science, Karlsruhe (Germany)
2013-2017: Postgraduate researcher, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), IAM–Computational Materials Science, Karlsruhe (Germany)
2012. Dipl.-Ing., Mechanical Engineering, Universität Karlsruhe